Pest Control in Ramsgate Beach - Find The Best Services

We employ a team of professionals dedicated to Termite and Pest Control in Ramsgate Beach, NSW. Our team has over the years removed millions of winged termites from our homes and businesses and are continually on the look out for new sites to treat. We are a small privately owned and operated Termite and Pest Management company in Oatley, servicing both the St George and Sutherland Shire areas. Our primary treatment process involves the use of baits and traps. Our technicians are also qualified to use fumigation as an option.

Ray is our resident termite technician and he was recently visiting from interstate for the summer vacation with his wife and two boys. Ray took along his trap set, which included three monitors, two traps and one bait bag. The weather was very hot and dry, which increased the chances of a termite infestation. This area has had several reports of residential termite extermination by various companies, but nothing has worked for Ray since he arrived.

He explained that the first method that many companies use is fumigation, which is ineffective because termites don't survive the chemicals. He said that it would only kill existing colonies, it wouldn't prevent future colonies from growing and establishing colonies in your home. Many companies now use a chemical called Oragascar Dead Line which actually kills termites instantly. Unfortunately, this method will not prevent the re-infestation of the termites on your property.

Ray was then explaining the various methods of termite treatment, including residential termite extermination. One of the methods includes using baits to lure termites into baits so that you can use a pest control product such as baits, liquid pesticides, trap and sink traps, and a backyard fumigation. Another effective method of pest control in Ramsgate Beach, which uses liquid pesticides, is using traps with a fumigation chamber. A trap will be placed at an entry way or along the perimeter of your property, once termite colony is spotted inside the trap, they will be taken back to the fumigation chamber and killed.

In addition to baiting, there are other options of pest control in Ramsgate Beach. One option would be to use liquid pesticides. These are applied in two ways, either spray-off or bait-and-trap systems. Although bait-and-trap systems are more effective and work faster than spray-off systems, Ray stressed out that if the termite colony is present within the traps, then the pesticides will be present as well. If this happens, then the entire system needs to be destroyed.

In order for pest control in Ramsgate Beach to be effective, homeowners must take several precautions. First, they must ensure that all outside areas, especially those around water sources, are treated for termite infestation. This includes installing faucet extensions and sealing any underground fixtures including wells and septic tanks. Next, they must regularly check for any damaged wood, brick, or concrete structures on their property. These damages could mean that termites have already built their nests inside the structure. Also, termite damage could also mean that someone has deliberately damaged the structure in order to cause a public nuisance.

Other than baiting, termite control in Ramsgate Beach also involves liquid pesticides. Baits are placed beneath the ground to attract termites and prevent them from moving towards the bait and eventually into the tunnels used by termites. Liquid pesticides are also applied on the structure to kill any existing termite. This process can also be used to prevent new termites from entering the structure. Contact Knock Down Pest Control for the best termite extermination, residential termite removal, and termite management services at

If you plan to use liquid pesticides, you must be aware of possible side effects caused by these products. These chemicals can be hazardous for people who are sensitive to them. Also, since termite control in Ramsgate Beach is difficult, it is not advisable to apply pesticide in larger quantities than needed. If you are not able to prevent termite infestation using baits or liquids, you should call an expert pest control company. They can perform pest extermination for you without any hassle.